It's Sunday Selfie time....
We are joining The Kitties Blue, from The Cat on My Head blog, for the weekly celebration of blogs and bloggers from across the world and across the species.
Download the link link from their site and join the fun!
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Finding my Zen |
This weeks selfie is of yours truly trying to get to grips with the ancient CAT art of origami.
Now some may think this was started by the Chinese, but I can now reveal that it was us fine felines that got there first, naturally. MOL
First one must apply full concentration to achieving your ZEN harmony with the world and the paper.
The Hidden Mouse |
Only once this is achieved, can you let rip with the inner you and see the fruits of your labour appear in paper form.
I call this one, THE HIDDEN MOUSE. Well it was until I found it. MOL
The housekeeper had a selection of names for it, but I shall leave it to you to make up your own minds.........
To see what all our pals have been up to, click the links below.
............... and now it's Sunday Story Time!
This weeks story is.............. A New Broom!
Erin paced about the palace kitchens, reading out loud to herself a telegram from NASA.
Well well.
Well, well I never, this is quite a situation.
Send the peep out to the shops to get Mars bar and next I hear, last seen heading off on the space shuttle to Mars!
I really do worry about that one.
OK done with the worrying, what I need is a replacement, a housekeeper in fact. Well better fact than fiction as the factual kind can actually do stuff, and tend to my very minimal needs. Like mowing the lawn, clipping hedges, decorating, cleaning, and making midnight sandwiches.
I think I best get an advert in all the Society magazines, that a princess is in need of a housekeeper. Must be able to work for below average pay...... well I am below average in height. Must have own transport and a keen nature, eager to please and above average computer skills. Well above average around here means knows how to switch it on, and phone the help line.
There we go, have pinged that email to them, lets see what comes back....."
Some weeks later.......
"Oh good Lord, this just cant go on!
Not one suitable candidate at all. Either too slow or too hungry and want to eat me out of house and home. Or bankrupt me with demands for fresh food each day AND a salary!
What has the world come to, I ask you, when you cant hire staff for a poultry sum. I thought a nice warm feather bed, running water and all the nosh you could eat would be ample. But no, seems like nobody wants to share with the chickens these day!
Oh well lets see what the mornings post has brought. Junk mail no doubt
Yup, just as thought....... junk, spam, spam, clothes catalogue for senior cats, more junk, and Inland Revenue. Hmm that's not good, they want to come and assess the Kraken for tax relief. Seems like when I put in that I had four pairs of hands helping me, they didn't expect them to be all attached to the one body!
Minor technicality I'm sure but she is a legal migrant and adding loads to the rural economy too. Bicycle sales have quadrupled and the number of unemployed mail delivery men and meter reader men has plummeted. OK most are never seen again but I think that's just part of the job.
Oooh whats this? A small postcard, from London?
Erin looked closely at the card and then sniffed its edges, like a fine wine. "My powers of deduction lead me to believe that this is from a senior lady, late seventies early eighties. She likes coffee and rides a bike prone to breakage and is also in need of a job. Sounds my sort of housekeeper!
How do I know these things, I hear you ask, well it is simple if you have years of training and a keen eye for coffee stains and chain oil. Plus it says so on the card. Seems like my housekeeper is arriving today.
I best retrieve that tinned spam I got this morning, from the dustbin, and pull some nip leaves from the greenhouse and make a salad of it. I wonder if I she minds making it for me?"
****** Door bell chimes ******
"Eeek she's here and I haven't a thing to wear! Oh well, she'll just have to take me as she finds me. Having said that, first impressions are everything, so I'll put some whitener on, a touch Whiscara™ whisker perfection for cats.
And if I polish the teeth for fresh breath confidence and a smile to make a lasting first impression and radiates warmth, that should show I am a serious, paws on employer. Well, none of the mice ever complain of bad breath and they all jump around when they see my smile so I dare say it works."
Moments later.......
"Well hello, Erin Princess, I'm your new house keeper, my dear. Just show me where to stow my stuff and I'll get settled right in."
"Er, excuse me, I was expecting a Mrs Hudson, not My Dear. Do you have any references or ID? I just cant go employing anyone willy nilly..... though if you can you make nip tea, you have the job!"
The lady gave a quizzical look and scratched the bun on top of her head. "Well I AM Mrs Hudson, my dear. Don't know who the other person, Mae Deer, is but I'm here, my dear, for the post as advertised." With that she handed Erin a cutting from the The Lady Cat Magazine. "I'm not sure about references though," She continued. "Nobody has ever said I need those...... but if you like, I can provide the names of some very particular families, and gentlemen, that have used my services and not had cause for complaint."
And of course I comes from a very long line of nannies, too. So if you ever have kittens I will be quite able to take on their education. I think you'll find I'm great with knitting and chasing spiders and mice."
And without further ado, Mrs Hudson hitched up her long skirts and ducked through the doorway and walked in and surveyed the Palace Great Hall. "Oh my, would you look at the cobwebs in here. Well I suppose it's to be expected in a place like this. Do you have a broomstick from the last housekeeper that I can whizz around with, or did she fly off with it when she left you? Never mind I can always brew up a little something in the kitchens that will have them out."
Erin was suddenly stunned with the realisation that she might just have hired a housekeeper. And not only that, but a witch house keeper too! "Mrs Hudson, you don't have any pets do you? A black cat maybe? Not that there is anything wrong with black cats. Quite the opposite in fact as I am, in part at least, black, and my Valentine is ALL black and a quite a dish... er... darling. It's just that this is rather a one cat Palace and I don't want Valentine to get worried."
"Never fear my lovely, I never bring my cat with me when I'm working. There isn't much room up there and they tends to fall off at high speeds and that can get awfully messy and expensive. She smiled and winked, and then gave a long sniff. "Time for a brew I think and then you can show me around. The kitchens it is then. Let me guess, I'll follow the smell off burnt Brussels sprouts. I can see I shall have to take the cook in hand, I cant have you starving, now can I?"
Erin's eyes bulged and she visibly paled as she absorbed all that had just been said. Clearly Mrs Hudson was a witch who not only flew, but frequently lost her own cat off the stick! This wasn't just awful but a positive liability and she resolved to up the palace insurance later, and also see if the Parish Council and Fire Brigade needed permits for use of an open cauldron? Thinking on it, she decided to contact the Air Traffic Control to see if she needed clearance for sending her to the shops.
A clattering of falling items brought Erin to her senses. She looked around to see the housekeeper beating a hasty retreat out of a broom cupboard, looking very much the worse for wear. In fact, her bun had slipped so far to one side, she looked like Princess Leia after a bad nights sleep.
"Well I say, that was quite an experience, Erin, and no mistake. I think, dearie, that you could do with a sign on there." With that she straightened the bun and wondered off towards the staircase down to the kitchens.
Erin sighed and trotted after her, and pondered if it wasn't too late to book Mrs Hudson on the next flight to Mars?
To be continued................
Luv your origami, MOL!
ReplyDeleteThank you, I have distilled it down to a few key folds and some quick claw work, MOL
DeleteToodle pips
hehehe interesting House keeper you have there Erin,just to let you know I nominated you for the Mystery Blogger award today,xx Speedy
ReplyDeleteOooh I say, thank you. There was me waiting for the last one I got nominated for, but the prize never came so I guess I didn't win!
DeleteToodle pips
That Hidden Mouse seems to be hidden in a warm dark place now, MOL
ReplyDeleteWhat will that witch get up to Princess? Guess we will have to visit next week to see
Inquiring kitties Timmy and Family
Oh yes, I'm hoping for another session very soon, so long as my outside supplier can come up with the goods MOL
DeleteHmm I'm not sure about the housekeeper, she seems rather haphazard, even for a witch. But maybe she can magic up those mice for me? Then again she might make them all vanish!
Toodle pips and purrs
"she looked like Princess Leia after a bad nights sleep" Love it!
ReplyDeleteWe think you'd better get rid of the witchy housekeeper, Erin. Fast!
Purrs xx
Athena and Marie
Good help is so hard to find, even bad help. Mol If the insurance policy goes up then I’ll get rid but she has a rustic charm and is awesome with a broom!
DeleteToodle pips and purrs
Oh Erin you do always have the most interesting and enchanting experiences! But you're always so beautiful in doing them too! Enjoyed your selfie my lovely!
ReplyDeleteIt always seems to happen to me! Mol Thank you, sometimes the selfies just happen others the housekeeper has to run around after me. Keeps everyone fit though so it works.
DeleteToodle pips and purrs
Dear Princess Erin, You look wonderful darling! Your Origami is beautiful! And a new hobby! Right now mine is knocking things off of counters and cupboards. There is quite a bit of debris accumulating...
ReplyDeleteHmmm...A Housekeeper...I should put out an advert for one here too...purrhaps yous has a furrend....
Have a purrfect day
Yes, it's great to have a winter activity to pass the long cold dark wet days. Hmm, a housekeeper would certainly help with the debris, clearing that is and not making ..... though this new one actually makes her own mess MOL
DeleteToodle pips
Pawsome origami ! Purrs
ReplyDeleteThank you. I will be trying new shapes and complexities as the weeks go on.... assuming we have enough news papers MOL
DeleteToodle pips
Oh, a wonderful mousie adventure!! Love your selfie Princess, have a grand day!
ReplyDeleteThank you. It was a great bit of fun, but not for the mousie MOL
DeleteToodle pips and purrs
That origami is top notch, Erin! That Hidden Mouse is a really advanced technique.
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like it would be entertaining to watch Mrs. Hudeson as she cleaned the house up. As long as she stay out of the broom cupboard!
Yes I have my doubts as to her balance as she is rather old. But still as long as the insurance is up to date we should be OK?
DeleteToodle pips
We think you have a career in origami ahead of you, Erin! Nice work.
ReplyDeleteThank you. Now an international career sounds fun, it's more of a hobby though as I have the rest of the palace to run too.... Maybe Mrs Hudson could take on the origami role?
DeleteToodle pips
Mee-you that Origami you did iss impurressive ERin Purrincess!!! Yur berry talented mee furend.
ReplyDeleteAn you sure tell pawsum storiess all so.
***nose rubsss*** Siddhartha Henry xXx
Aww, thank you Prince Siddhartha Henry, I does try to keep the standards high, but it is all practice, and I'm sure you too could be an origami master....
DeleteToodle pips and nose rubs
Excellent work on your selfie and the origami, Erin...😹😹Pawkisses for a Happy Sunday😘❤😻
ReplyDeleteThank you. Seems like it's a popular sport!
DeleteToodle pips and purrs
That is a lovely selfie, and your origami is highly skilled. Hmmm, I'm not sure about the new housekeeper. A witch could be fun, but it depends if she is good or wicked.
ReplyDeleteHmm, well so far all is well, but I haven't seen a hint of witchcraft, or flying. And so far she as only tripped over the broom and hit a mouse with it. Still time will tell....
DeleteToodle pips
Dearest Princess, you pose so radiantly. That is a fine bit of origami craft you've done there and with a disappearing mousie, too! Say, if that Mrs. Hudson is a witch, I hope she is a good witch. And I sure I hope she is not one of my former owners that tossed me aside and is assuming a new name in your country and under your roof?! Eek! You might want to keep a close eye on her. If she gives you even a lil' bit of trouble you let me know, 'cause this black kitty won't tolerate it. Maybe you should booby trap The Palace just in case!
ReplyDeletePaw Kisses! -Valentine (& Mom) of Noir Kitty Mews
Oh dearest Val, I am horrified to think that you, the sweetest prince, were dumped by some fiends. Fear not, I do believe this lady is honest, and not capable of hurting a cat, well not deliberately anyways. I think though if she suggests a ride on her broom I will insist on a basket and seat belts MOL
DeletePaw Kisses and purrs
Erin, I never thought of Origami as originating from cats, but you are so right! Mudpie is currently working her magic on a piece of paper that came in a box this week and she's having a blast with it!
ReplyDeleteThere you go. I am pondering what else we cats have invented that humans think is theirs? String is one, for sure!
DeleteToodle pips and purrs
Pawsome art you've created - thank you for sharing it with the world! We ARE a bit concerned about Mrs. Hudson though...
ReplyDeleteFear not, so far she has only tripped over the broom, and used it to swat at a mouse! mol
DeleteToodle pips and purrs
Very nice origami. My Prancie likes to do that kind of art too. I must ask why you need to pay a housekeeper- isn't that why you let the peep live in the castle? XO
ReplyDeleteThank you, I am working on various projects.... a financial paper, and some glossy magazines MOL You will have to show some of Prancie's work one week.
DeleteToodle pips and purrs
Nice selfie ! you shouldn't hire a housekeeper, my cats are the masters and I am the servant and all I get is some purrs !
ReplyDeleteWell it isn't going to cost me much. I may have to up the mouse hunting to cover food, but I think it will work out. MOL
DeleteToddle pips
Princess, I suppose your origami must be sort of an interpretive, modern-arty sort of piece. You hired a witch housekeeper?? Well, that could be either useful or scary, I suppose! :)
ReplyDeleteEither that or very very retro! Yes I’m not sure which it is yet! She could be both!
DeleteToodle pips and purrs
Love your very original origami. But Mars may not be far enough...
ReplyDeleteI think you may be right... how about the Milky Way. Mol
DeleteToodle pips and purrs
Wonderful selfie, Erin.
ReplyDeleteThis housekeeper, Mrs. Hudson has a lot going for her. She is magical so that means she can conjure up silvervine, mice foods of any kind...a hip lady. Can't wait to read more.
Shoko and Kali
Magical isn’t quite how I’m seeing her at the moment, more haphazard with emphasis on the hazard! Mol
DeleteToodle pips and purrs
You look magnificent, Erin. Very cool origami.
ReplyDeleteThank you, I tried hard to maintain composure throughout my origami sessions. It’s sort of like tai chi but with paper, Mol
DeleteToodle pips and purrs
Newspapers ... the post ... your Kraken takes care of the bearer, and you take care of the message. FIERCE!
ReplyDeleteMy Momma rides a broom when no one's looking. She even has a blood-curdling cackle! Just saying. ~Bear Cat
Ooh I say, they may be related, or cousins!? Marv wants a housekeeper, is your momma available?
DeleteToodle pips and purrs
Puts a whole new spin on the idea of flyin'... I mean, DRIVIN' a "stick" shift, huh?
Ooh now I never thought of that, I wonder if they have gears or are automatics? I could drive them if it was an auto!
DeleteToodle pips and purrs
Oh the origami is quite lovely, especially if you found a mouse while making it... Now my only question is since Mrs. Hudson is magical, what kind of salary is she wanting? perhaps mushrooms? And when is she going to make your nip tea and will she put anything odd in that tea to send you off to a magical land of some sort? Oh I do hope you don't get turned into a turtle... I prefer chocolate turtles and Turkish Delight with my tea.
ReplyDeleteThank you, it is such s lovely art, which I guess is why humans copied it. Now magical nip tea sounds fun. I’m sure I saw some in the local supermarket.... or was that mushrooms?
DeleteToodle pip and purrs
We wonder what happened to the mouse . ..
ReplyDeleteErin, you are as lovely as ever! :)
the critters in the cottage xo
I have to admit that I got it....... but it was only a nip mouse mol
DeleteToodle pips and purrs
Erin lee awesum three D werk on mouz.....N havin lived witha witch me hole life; me tuna, can tell ya that mizzuz hudson mite knot bee all her a peerz ta bee N her kneadz a watchin...N pleez knot ta let on eye called the food service gurl a witch ~~~~~~ ♥♥♥.....
ReplyDeleteThanks guys, modern art isn’t always appreciated but this is definitely one of my best pieces Mol
DeleteFear not, no words will pass my lips about your fine witch.. er... service staff!
Toodle pips and purrs
Luv your selfie Erin. You're lookin' gawjus as always. We thought you were gonna review a broom. MOL Mommy actually got one that she's gonna be reviewin' and we thought purrhaps they had contacted you too. MOL Anyways, you've hired a new housekeeper, heh? That never goes well in our 'sperience. Boog luck, we can't wait to hear what happens next. Big hugs
ReplyDeleteLuv ya'
Dezi and Raena
Thank you both., you are lookin’ mighty fine yourselves. Broom reviews, huh, do make sure that there are seat belts Mol. Yup, I’m waiting to what happens too, you just never know around here!
DeleteToodle pips and purrs