Sunday, 4 February 2018

So-far, So Good

It's Sunday Selfie time.... 

We are joining The Kitties Blue, from The Cat on My Head blog, for the weekly celebration of blogs and bloggers from across the world and across the species.

Download the link link from their site and join the fun!

This week I have a string of shots taken by my selfie drone, that shows some of the effort I have to go to to get my work done......

First one has to eye up the settings. 

Observe the look of concentration on the hunters face, the whiskers fanned out to optimise radar reception.

Then I take the jump, factoring wind velocity, gloves, and trajectory.....

And at the last second the claw is extended to press the timer, and........

Voila!  The perfect selfie (complete with photobombing mousie!)

To see what all our pals have been up to, click the links below.

............... and now it's Sunday Story Time!

This weeks story is.............. So-Far, So Good!

It is a cold winters evening, and Erin is sat in the flickering red and amber light of the drawing room fire, reviewing the soon to be published blog post. Beside her Mrs Hudson is enjoying not only the warmth of the log fire, but also a small pale cream sherry. She is also knitting Erin a new scarf and a four set of socks. Erin, whilst appreciative of the gesture is somewhat concerned that maybe the sherry glass was not small enough, and has drawn Mrs Hudson to the fact that they, the scarf and socks, are not normally part of the same garment!

And so the evening rolls on until it comes time for Erin to read the blog out loud.

"Ok, so here is the latest version of the post, Mrs H. Please feel free to jump in if I have something wrong......

So Far So Good, another episode from the diaries of Palace Life, by Erin the Cat, princess.

Now, I have to say that I do take my seats seriously. I'm rather partial to having somewhere comfy to sit, to take the strain of my paws during those long periods spent doing my blog dictation, cogitating the meaning of words such as cogitating, doing the Palace accounts, and tending to my pasteurising... er... pastoral duties. A task, I must add, that can be in excess of twelve hours a day, every day, and weekends too, at least!

Now as my housekeeper has some back issues, I'd obtained at no small vast expense, some marvellous sets of those rather natty food savers with blue lids, from a certain well know Scandinavian purveyor of fine food savers.

Note from Editor:- Please note, for the sake of fairness, balance, and a strongly worded letter from the Honourable Guild of Natty Food Savers (with blue lids), about our post entitled "Brainwaves and Boxes", we need to advise that other fine purveyors of food savers, doubtless with blue lids and possibly in Princess Pink, are or may or may not be available from all good purveyors of such items. Now back to the story....

What do food savers have to do with the housekeepers back, I hear you ask? And well you might, as I did, and therein lies today's tale. Not that I am fibbing, no ma'am not this princess. Heck you won't see my nose growing like Pistachio.

Mrs Hudson looked up from scarf she was knitting and, scratching her head with the end of one of the needles, gave a thoughtful look. "Erin dear, surely they're nuts. And wasn't he Pinocchio?"

"Now Mrs Hudson, I do think I know my nuts from my potato dumplings, when I see them. And one thing I am sure of, that lad wasn't made of potatoes and flour. Think of the mess if he'd gone out in the rain. Besides, he was made of wood, so he'd have had squirrels, and we all know they like nuts. I rest my kernel... er... case.

Now where was I?  Ah yes. As Mrs Hudsons back had been playing up, a trip was required to a certain emporium, of certain boxes, who also happened to do furniture. After copious amounts of out of tune humming and haring, and much fuel wasted visiting said store countless times and only coming home with a selection of food savers, she bought a new chair.

All however was not as I had hoped, and I soon discovered that my housekeeper had an inclination to incline and fall asleep in this chair on account of it being too comfortable. She dropped right off and forgot to feed me. In fact she was spending so much time on that chair sometimes she didn't drop off and still forgot to feed me.

Now as the other piece of furniture in MY office was one of those mono legged swivel stools, there was no way I could be expected to use that. I don't know if you have ever tried to gracefully jump onto something that not only spins but also tilts, but let me say it isn't for the feint hearted. So I did what any discerning princess could do, I jumped on it, or specifically I jumped on Mrs Hudson's new chair. And there, dear readers I have stayed, until last week when more boxes arrived!

Like a scene from that documentary series, Dr Who, like time travellers from another world those boxes materialised right before my eyes.

OK so maybe I might have dozed off for a bit... OK for an hour... or two... or maybe three, but those boxes just turned up!

So as all good princesses should do, I took the necessary time to contemplate the situation, to calculate and redefine the parameters of the dilemma, the quantum mechanics, velocities of worm holes versus relativity of Mrs Hudson's court shoes? Not entirely certain how they got in that equation, but they do seem to get everywhere so maybe they form the basis of time travel? Well they certainly could do with being out of this time zone on account of the aroma!

Anyways, lets just say I did a lot of cogitating and ruminating!"

Mrs Hudson looked up and gave a telling smile. "Erin dear, it sure looked like you asleep. You had that gentle purr going on and your ears and nose were twitching like you were dreaming of mice."

"I'll have you know, Mrs Hudson, that this Princess never naps on the job, that would be most unprofessional. Not least because... er... well there will be a reason, best I get back to you after checking the Official Secrets Act, just in case it's a secret.

Oh, and when I say secret, I don't mean the Official Secret Act, that's not secret as I know about that and I know you know about that too, on account of telling you just now. Nope, the secret is what Secret Act is secret about. Though one could argue that if we don't know it exists it actually doesn't exist for us and so it isn't a secret needed to be a secret.

Anyways, at the end of the day, napping is for nap time and working is for work time. So, if I am napping, it is safe to say I won't be working, or on work time.

Of course if I needed to nap for work that would be different. Then I would be work napping and it won't be a secret, unless of course it is the interests of National Security. In which case I will be working but will pretend I'm not and it WILL be a secret.

But whatever you do, DON'T wake me up to ask, well not unless its in the interest of National Security. I mean I do have to get my beauty sleep too, which has nothing to do with naps, and definitely nothing to with officials or official secrets.

Are we clear, Mrs Hudson?"

"Erin, you have totally confused me with all those secrets and not secret secrets. What secret is it that we're talking about?"

Erin smiled at Mrs Hudson and gave a very pronounced wink. "Glad we are on the same page there Mrs Hudson. By the way, I would recommend NOT sliding the knitting off the needle so as to scratch your head as it looks like you have dropped a few hundred knits and a thousand pearls."

Mrs Hudson gave a gasp and frantically tried to reinsert the needle back through the loops of black and white yarn. " I could maybe make you a nice set of ear warmers instead, dearie, if you prefer?" 

Erin sighed resignedly, nodded, and carried on.

"Anyhows, those boxes were a threat to National Security. To some they might just be boxes, but to Palace Security they are threats, as NO box enters this domain without my say so.

So, after due investigation, various angles of olfactory discernment and some smackypaws, I discovered a label. Seems like them boxes were for me!

Mrs Hudson, bless her, had in fact ordered a new Chaise Lounge. Yup those fiendishly clever Scandinavian peeps, purveyors of those storage containers, also do natty sofa's, in blue. Thankful though NOT with blue lids!"

Note from Editor:- Please note, for the sake of fairness, balance, and before we get a strongly worded letter from the Honourable Guild of Natty Sofas, we need to advise that other fine purveyors of  sofas, doubtless in blue and possibly Princess Pink, are or may or may not be available from all good purveyors of such items. Now back to the story....again!

"I do need to explain that the Palace has been devoid of a chaise lounge for some time, since my accession to the thrown in fact, on account of squatters. Yup seems like the previous housekeeper had allowed a certain group of individuals to take up residence, and breed no less. In fact if they had bred less it it wouldn't have been an issue. The trouble was they bred more, and in the Palace sofa. Mouses!

In deed the mouses soon started to take over the lower floors and also the arm rests and latterly were even seen to be enjoying afternoon tea on the head rest!

Well, you can imagine my upset.... OK there was a fair degree of upset and.... OK paws up, there was a modicum of pleasure when I had to deal with this issue on the old housekeepers behalf, who was sadly lacking in the requisite expertise and claws to get to grip with the matter.

Anyways, those there boxes contained a super-duper vacuum packed, squeezed flat, fully DIY enabled sofa,  and all the housekeeper had to do was assemble it.

Now being the modern princess, I was happy to lend a paw. Trouble was, things got off to bad start when the housekeeper, who had laid waste to vast tracts of the Great Hall during the unpacking stage, managed to lose the little pack of tools and the instructions booklet!

Well, many hours of nappi... er... searching later, I discovered that the instructions booklet had started to form its own thermally efficient, dynamically resilient, insulative substrata. OK, paws up, I was sat on it. But it was a rather comfy cushioning layer and how was I to know? After all it did have a sofa on the front page, and they're for sitting on, stands to reason.

I didn't feel too bad though, as it wasn't I but the assembly challenged housekeeper who lost the special spanner to assemble the sofa. Nor was it I who assembled the legs sticking sideways rather than down, and put the cover on back to front, twice. Nor I, that forgot to buy the back rest! I mean, I must be the only Princess that has a fully functional, five times size footstool.

Of course had this Princess been doing the actual assembly and not delegated, it would have been delivered, assembled by those funny looking stick insect like, two fingered humans in the instruction booklet..... AND it would have been in Princess Pink!

Not that I'm complaining of course, no ma'am, as I do have a rather nice new selection of cardboard boxes and the Palace hasn't acquired any more of those natty food savers with the blue lids. I mean, what more could a Princess ask for, besides a new sofa that is?

The End"

Mrs Hudson stood up and applauded. "Bravo bravo bravo, Erin dear. A wonderful tale without doubt one of your best. Now this housekeeper, do I know her as she does sound quite familiar?"

"You know Mrs H, I think maybe it's time for bed, don't you?"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The End ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


  1. MOL - watchin da peeps assemble can be funny.

    1. Humans can be so inept, even with opposable thumbs MOL
      Toodle pips & purrs

  2. We love your selfies Princess and we love to watch our Dad get frustrated trying to assemble anything!

    1. No your dad is retired he can practice more, maybe with cat trees? though if anything like Mrs H’s skills best let someone else try it first Mol
      Toodle pips and purrs

  3. Princess, your step-by-step selfie instruction pics are fabulous. Maybe you could put it in a handy guide for furr-iends? Wow, you got a new chaise lounge?! That's wonderful. Yes, I agree pink would've suited you the best, but blue is a cool color that reflects your cool demeanor even when life gets challenging and pirating adventures get a bit hairy scary! But oh - no backrest? Well, I think the Mrs. H. just needs to march right out of your Palace and go track one down and not a mousie tested one, either but sleek and new. I'm not sure she is the brightest of bulbs that Mrs. H, but it sounds like she tries.
    Paw Kisses for you my Princess! -Valentine (& Mom) of Noir Kitty Mews

    1. Hmm I think any instructions we compiled would probably end up like the chaise Mol. Yes the back rest came but it too went on wrongly. Alas I must declare that the chaise is no more but we do still have the cushions to lounge on, and very comfortable they are too. Mrs H is a good trier, though trying too. But all in all worth her pay.
      Toodle pips and pawkisses

  4. Your how-to is great ! Terrific pictures ! We're sorry for our lack of comments last week, but Claire had a very busy week, and she finished it with an awful migraine from Friday evening to this morning. Purrs

    1. Oh heck, I know those migraines aren’t good as the staff often moan about them. Coincidentally at times in early morning when I bring mice home..... I hopes you are feeling better soon and have a good week. If you want I can bring you a mouse, too?
      Toodle pips and purrs

  5. So much info I don't know where to start. I enjoyed your dialogue,. Don't let anyone tell you that you are shy and like a shrinking violet! You and I have accomplished the talking part just fine. I was impressed with this chasing lounger. A contradiction of words but perhaps it goes from 60 to 0 in 1 second. You should have it on your roof to chase any introoders away and lounge about looking dangerous. You can tell Mrs. Hudson to leave the knitting on the needles when she scratches herself. What's a few cooties between friends.

    Your partner in slime,


    1. Thank you, I liked writing it down even though I got confused as to the secrets! Gosh the shrinking violets around here are done to the gardener not being any good Mol. Hmm, I suppose we could use the chaise lounge as a sled off the lower roofs, I shall have it taken up once the new one arrives . Not sure what cooties are, but if they’re like mice I’m happy to share Mrs Hudson’s
      Toodle pips and purrs

  6. OOOoOoOOoooo Priness Erin! Your selfie is SPECTACULAR!!
    And I had to laugh about the putting together of the nameless brand chaise! I wonder if there were HBO Words used? My Mom uses many HBO words when she puts together that kind of furniture.

    1. Definitely plenty of polite rude words, I’m guessing French or Latin, plus there was a lot of steam too! Mol
      Toodle pips and purrs

  7. Erin, you are SO adorable! A selfie drone.... I think we should look into one of those. Smooches, pretty friend!

    1. Definitely worth the investment. My problem was finding one big enough to carry a Mrs H’s weight!
      Toodle pips and purrs

  8. It IS the perfect selfie!
    Have a wonderful Sunday...

    Noodle and crew

    1. Thank you, I am pleased with it. Maybe next time I shall get the glove an mouse to take a lesser role! Mol
      Toodle pips and purrs

  9. Replies
    1. Sure are, and folks think I do nothing but sleep and eat and sleep ALL day!
      Toodle pips and purrs

  10. I love your selfies. And that was quite a story. I never thought of Dr. Who as a documentary series :) Have a great week! XO

    1. Yes very good science updates. I am waiting for my sonic screwdrivers though , so clearly the development side of the show is lacking!
      Toodle pips and purrs

  11. You've GOTTA get peeps to assemble first, drink sherry later. BELIEVE ME, I know. MOUSES!

    1. Yup, if there is a next time i’ Keep my paws on the Sherry ! Mol
      Toodle pips and purrs

  12. Hmmmm A sofa with sideways legs? Well, guess it doesn't really need legs so long as the cushion be nice and soft. Right Erin? As fur those secret secrets, we must've not been invited to that meetin'. MOL Now, to your selfies...OMC You are so adorable. We 'specially luv that furst foto of you meowin' no doubt. And the paw foto is just purrecious. As always, you are gawjus. Big huugs

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

    1. Strange you should say about the cushion as that is all that we use now, the rest is firewood! Yes that memo on secret meetings and secrets was classified apparently! Mol
      Toodle pips and purrs and head bumps

  13. Excellent selfie, Erin. Superb!!!

    And yeah, it's pretty humorous watching the peeps put stuff together, isn't it?

    1. Fun and painful too. Thank goodness for nap time so I could let some of it wash by. Mol
      Toodle pips and purrs

  14. You really did an effort with your selfies until you had enough ! lol ! Nice description of your day !

    1. Thank you. Yes hard work pays off. Makes me tired too, and I took the rest of the day off.
      Toodle pips and purrs

  15. From Living with Loulou
    Oh, Erin, what a And I will never get over those adorable ears and that we are definitely cousins of some kind.

    1. Thank you, it all happens around here! Yes all home grown ears well what’s left. Mol. Now if were related, does that mean I can come to stay to enjoy some winter sun? You are welcome to visit, alas it mainly rains around here in uk! Mol
      Toodle pips and purrs

  16. That was inspired to take your selfie with a drone. It worked out well.
    I do have to sympathise with Mrs.H though. Those Scandinavian flat packs can be such a puzzle to put together. I hope she has got the back rest now so you can recline in the manner to which you are accustomed.

    1. I have to agree it want really her fault, the instruction book was way too small! Alas the back rest came and was also put on upside down! I despair at times. The next one will be fully assembled, and in pink!
      Toodle pips and purrs

  17. Erin, I see your Mrs. Hudson knits exactly the same way I do (or did, before I gave it up due to extreme ineptitude). And your napping and working schedules are so complex, only a cat would understand them. I'll have to ask Paisley to explain it to me. Nice to see you in the Blogging Cats Calendar this week! :)

    1. Hi. Ooh is it me in the calendar? I didn’t know. I shall instruct all staff to not advance their calendars from this week for the rest of the year! Knitting sure seems hard , well at least for Mrs H, I think she needs some sort of stopper put on the end of the needles so the links don’t fall off! Mol
      Toodle pips and purrs

  18. You got that selfie purrfect Erin. Maybe get that post done pre-sherry? Just a thought

    1. Pre Sherry, great idea! So we will have A.M. P.M. and somewhere in between P.S. mol
      Toodle pips and purrs

  19. Mee-you ERin Purrincess yur set uppy fur takin a Selfie was pawsum! An thee selfie iss beeuteefull.
    Sorry mee iss late....LadyMum was hoggin thee lappytop!!
    ~~head rubsss~~ Siddhartha Henry~~

    1. Thank you Prince Siddhartha Henry, and you are not late at all. After all a cat arrives when he or she likes. Mol
      Toodle pips and head bumps

  20. Hehehe good to see you having fun with the Selfies Princess Erin,xx Speedy

    1. Thanks, Speedy, looks like it will be last for a bit as snowed this morning! Off for a nap now!
      Toodle pips and purrs

  21. ERin; sekritz iz sekrits N never let on ya haz sekrits knot ta dad mizzuz
    hudson ore de naybor...we iz glad mizzuz hudson CAN FSG haz tried
    like 90 bazillion timez ta make uz blankitz.......faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...forget
    a bout it ~ gorgeouz selfeez thiz week two ☺☺♥♥

    1. Very sound advice indeed. Play it close to the fur! Hmm well I’m not sure Mrs H follows a pattern with her knitting, but it will be fun to watch my ear warmers develop, maybe into a jacket Mol
      Toodle pips and purrs

  22. Oh Erin! You took an excellent selfie this week.

    1. Thank, it was all natural too, and unscripted! Mol
      Toodle pips and purrs

  23. Your selfies are excellent!

    Those flat-packs always get my mum in a bad mood. That doesn't stop her buying self-assembly furniture though!

    Purrs xx

    1. Flat packs sure are the worst. Ours end up more like badly made sandwich than apiece of furniture MOL Yet, like most we still keep buying, and buying...
      Toodle pips and non flat pack purrs

  24. We love your tutorial on taking a selfie, Erin! We think it's pretty cool Mrs. H is knitting for Erin ... you know what knitting means ... YARN! BOO-YAH!

    1. I try my best to do tutorials when I can but sometimes work doesn't allow. Ah now when folks knit I always think of babies and kittens rather than chasing it. Mind you Id rather chase the yarn than the baby chase me!
      Toodle pips

  25. Quite a story young Erin. Did you end up with a lot of those container?

    Marjorie and the Dash Kitten Crew.

    1. Way more containers with natty blue lids than you could shake a sofa at! With the state of the sofa's construction it actually shakes itself MOL
      Toodle pips and purrs

  26. You have a drone camera, Erin, that's amazing and my CowKittiness the Selfies turned out dronificient. Great work! Pawkisses for a Happy Day :) <3

    1. Hi Binky. Glad you like the selfies, some times the tech works ok, and others you just have to enlist human help. Problems arise when the humans can't operate things either then I have to do it! MOL
      Toodle pips

  27. Another great story, Erin!

    We really love your paw/claw selfie :)

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

    1. Thank you, I'm pleased you enjoyed. It was a difficult shot to take, next time I might try a stunt double to save wear and tear on my claws MOL
      Toodle pips and purrs
