Sunday, 28 January 2018

H is for Hydrogen!

It's Sunday Selfie time....   

We are joining The Kitties Blue, from The Cat on My Head blog, for the weekly celebration of blogs and bloggers from across the world and across the species.

Download the link link from their site and join the fun!

This week I have mainly been napping....

Well so Mrs Hudson says!

Me, I just said I was catching up on my social media skills by taking a night class MOL!

To see what all our pals have been up to, click the links below.

............... and now it's Sunday Story Time!

It is with Great Sadness that we learnt of the passing of a wonderful and much loved figure in the cat blogging world, Mr Buttons, from the Timmy Tomcat blog. This weeks post is dedicated to his memory ........

This weeks story is.............. H is for Hydrogen!

"Mrs Hudson!

Can you hear me?


Mrs Hudson trotted into the bedroom, hand on chest and let out a rasping cough. "What is it my dear, Erin, sounds like the place is on fire... again. You not been experimenting have you, with that miniature barbecue?"

"Um no. And that last fire was absolutely nothing to do with me. I just happened to be passing the fondue set and the mouse, that happened to be dipped in cheese, spontaneously combusted! Very strange and I dare say much akin to that 16th century Mayor in Warsaw, most odd in deed."

"Hmm," said Mrs Hudson. "I dare say but who lit the fondue set is what I want to know? I think you have a ghost, or two even!"

Erin's whiskers quivered slightly, and she reddened just a bit in the cheeks. "Gosh its hot in here," she said. "Lets not discuss such minor things as singed wall paper and whiskers. Once the decorator has finished, and the builder, no one will notice at all. Heck, the singed edge to the hole in the ceiling gives a very rustic native English country peasant feel to it. And when it rains you can nip up and pop an umbrella through the hole."

Mrs Hudson peered up and shuddered. "Well I'm not sure I fancy that. That roof is a fair way up, Erin, and you know how wobbly I am without my broom or stick to keep me upright. Maybe them ghosts can do it, to earn their keep?"

Erin flinched at the mention of the broomstick, and an image of Mrs Hudson flying around the great hall with an umbrella. And it had occurred to her that maybe the hole that had appeared soon after the fire was in fact for Mrs Hudson's cauldron!

"You knows what they say about the devil and idle hands, well them ghosts have too much time and are playing havoc with the comestibles in the pantry and fridge. In fact just the other day they had half a pint of cream and a huge slice of that really nice Seville Premium Canadian Cheddar with Nip! Without so much as a by your leave! You must tell me where it's from so I can nip over and get some more."

"Strangely enough that would be Canada, Mrs Hudson, but I shall have it sent in rather than risk you flying there yourself! Heck you'll be frozen on that distance and probably fall in the drink, and then where would I be, huh? Down one cheese supply and a housekeeper, that's for sure."

"Well I guess I can manage a short hop across the moat to the shops, and the moat isn't that deep if you're worried about it. And it could be a great way to meet the Kraken too. You know she's not shown herself since I came. Don't suppose she's put out do you Erin, having another woman about the place? You do know her better than I."

"Ooh I dare say she'll let you know if you do anything wrong, but unless you start dropping potato peelings in the moat you'll be all right. She keeps a clean moat you know, very house proud. Used meter readers' bikes at one end, mailman bikes at other and sundry others in the middle. She leaves the empties out for the dairymaid on the drawbridge on a Tuesday, so she doesn't get that white apron covered in slim. Very thoughtful.

Now to business. Mrs Hudson, I need to call you something else as this all sounds way to formal, and we don't stand on ceremony here. Well not unless her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II drops by, or one of our esteemed colleagues from the blogging world, then it's hoist the jolly roger and.... Ooops, sorry got carried away there. For a moment I was back in that dream. Seemed so real too. Anyways, we hoist the Union Jack and play a fanfare and put the best cream bowls on the table."

"Well my sweet, you could call me Mrs H, if you wish but I don't like being called H. Makes me sound like something from the periodic table."

"Gas?" Erin said, with here thoughtful expression.

"Oh my dear, Erin that would be all that cream you had. I'll get you a nice nip tea to sooth your tummy."

"Not me, Mrs H, that's what H stands for in the periodic table, Hydrogen. A very dangerous gas. Like the stuff from Brussels sprouts?!" Erin sighed and rolled her eyes. It was clearly going to be one of those days.

"Oh I see. Well if you want to call me Mrs Hydrogen then you can but make sure there are no naked flames nearby, I do use hair spray, you know!" She gently teased the bun on her head with a small crochet needle she produced from her apron pocket. "I think maybe best we stick to Mrs H, or Mrs Hudson. Thank you for asking though, you are very considerate. Now what was it you wanted, dear?"

"You know, Mrs H, I had forgotten all about that. Yes what I had wanted to discuss was this mouse. Well it's not here at the moment but I have to report that we have a mouse, and a fast one at that. We need a concerted effort to get this blighter as no matter what I do I just CANT kill the thing! We need to drop everything and concentrate on this mouse. If you can find them ghosts, get them to haunt the mouse holes or I'll have them de-robed... or is it de-sheeted?"

"Oh dear, Erin dear, that isn't good at all. I'm not keen on mice at the best of time but having a supersonic mouse sound a tad scary.  Whats it look like and I'll get the broom and see if I can flush it out for you."

"Well, that's the strange thing, it isn't quite like any mouse I've seen before, more the essence of a mouse. Maybe it's a mouse from the future or some genetic experiment gone wrong. Could have eaten too much GM food! Whatever the cause, this princess is going to do the only thing I can, when I find it, and that's jump on it!" With that Erin puffed out her chest arched her back and trotted to the scratching post and sharpened her claws.

"Right, to work. I'll meet you back here in ten, no twenty minutes, and well crack on and find it. Bring lots of mouse hunting kit and with any luck I can have it for a mid morning snack, with fondue!"

"Shall I pack a picnic and have lashings of lemonade for you too, dear?" Mrs Hudson asked whilst taking notes in a small note pad she'd taken from her apron. I think there is still some nip smoked,  mouse tongue deli meat in the pantry?"

"Hmm as tempting as that sounds, Mrs H,  I think the lemonade bubbles will be too much after the running around. Maybe just some cheese and crackers for afters?"

"OK, Erin dear, I'll have it ready." With that Mrs Hudson turned on her heals and, inserting the small pencil into her bun, tottered off to the kitchens.

Some time later...........

"Right, after that extra nap I'm raring to go. Mrs H, you fly around and start beating things and flush the critter out. I'll patrol the skirting and try to stop it getting to mouse holes No.1 to No.3. Hole No.4 is closed due to pest problems so no need to look there. No sign of those ghosts though. Did you manage to get hold of them?"

Mrs Hudson looked apologetically and pointed to the candlestick telephone on the sideboard. "I did try Erin, dear, but the operator was uncertain how to connect me. She did suggest sending via SMS, Spirit Message Service but I cant find a button on our telephone?

"Hmm I will send a missive to Mr Bell on that point, I do rather think he's sold us short there. I shall have words with our ghosts, when they next show up and request they fill out a visitors card with number. Right you start sweeping that side and I'll do the other, there's not a moment to lose, I have cream and cheese to save and a nap to take in twenty minutes!"

Mrs Hudson did a wobbly curtsy and started beating the furniture and sweeping the broom vigorously around her head and body like a demented ninja. "Mrs H, please, you must ease off those late night martial arts movies, you could damage something not to mention hurt yourself. Plus, and I may have forgotten to have mentioned, it was a mouse and didn't fly that high, nothing higher than waist level. Well bar for a piece of fine cord that it seemed to be dragging with it."

"Oooh I see, thanks lovie, I'll sweep lower then." And with that Mrs H started to swish the broom around the curtains and under the chairs.

"There it is! Quick keep swishing Mrs H, and I'll pounce!" Erin flew through the air at the strange brown and fluff tailed mouse that was now darting back and forwards, in a manner that almost looked like it was chasing the broom rather than fleeing from it.

Around and around the trio went, Mrs H beating and swishing, Erin jumping and striking and the mouse like beast, whipping backwards and evading every blow. After ten minutes all three collapsed in a heap on the cold flagstone floor. Erin and Mrs Hudson sat catching their breath, and stared at the mouse, who seemed surrprisingly calm about the whole thing, if a little ruffled around the tail fur.

"Psst, psst. Mrs H, I think we have it worn out. I bet it cant take much more. Look this is what we need to do....." Erin whispered in Mrs Hudson's ear, having first moved to one side the bun which had slipped over it. She nodded at Erin and then went to get up.

"Oh I am tired, Erin dear. Why not stop for lunch maybe? I'll just nip out for some cheese and crackers and a some nip tea."

"You know that is an excellent idea. In fact lets forget about mice altogether. I do have far betting things to be getting on with, the accounts and what not." With that Erin got up and headed out the room.

Mrs Hudson got to her feet. Just as she went to turn towards the door, she grabbed the broom and, giving a rather strange country accent version of a ninja wail, raised it up as though to hit the beastie.

Erin, who had not left the room but had actually ducked behind a chair, leaped out in the direction of where the mouse had been sat, claws out, a sure fire catch if ever there was one. Of course life isn't that easy in the palace, and just as the broom swept on its upswing, so too did the beastie..... attached to it's cord!

Erin plooped to the floor and did a pawbreak turn and looked at the mouse dangling by the cord, and then Mrs Hudson. Mrs Hudson, who had also staring at the mouse, turned to look at Erin. "Princess, do you think it's dead?"

"Mrs H, that's not a mouse at all. That, my good housekeeper is what we in the trade call a Foxifur Kittenator  from Neko Flies! In fact that is the wonderful gift I had from our pals, at Dash Kitten, in New Zealand.  I should have realised the connection. Every time I spotted it was when you were cleaning. No wonder I couldn't catch it, despite which room I spotted it in, as you went out with it in the broom! I did wonder where it had gone."

"So it won't be breeding then, Erin, that's a relief. What with the ghosts moving in, we don't need any extra mouths. On the other hand....."

Mrs Hudson. I think the least said about this, to anyone, the better. I don't want it getting out that I couldn't catch a toy! Now what about a nice cup of nip tea?"

The End


  1. Terrific story Princess. We sure were sad to hear about Mr. Buttons.

    1. Thanks Brian, I sure do appreciate your visits, and very glad you enjoyed the story. I slipped up and put the wrong title on it, within the post. Dear Mr Buttons, he will be sorely missed.
      Gentle purrs

  2. You are so inventive! Purrs for a happy Sunday!

    1. Thank you, it's all in a days life at the Palace.
      Toodle pips, and purrs

  3. MOL...I really thought you were going to have a crisp mousey with the flavour of cheese, Erin, not expecting this flying mousey at all...but my lips are sealed too, you can count on that ;) Your sleepy Selfies are so cute <3 Pawkisses for an easy Sunday and Enjoy the nip-tea :) <3

    1. Thank you, Binky, rest assured, no pun intended, I shall enjoy the nip and the sleep MOL
      Toodle pips and purrs

  4. I am glad you and Mrs. H solved that mouse mystery. You deserve a lot of cream for all that work. And be sure to fix that roof, you don't want to get wet. Congrats on being a finalist for Frontline- I hope you win! XO

    1. Extra cream is just what I was thinking, I am so glad that you have signed off on that! MOL I shall be keeping my paws crossed as voting in the Frontline UK competition ends at midnight! Thanks for your support and for voting for me...
      Toodle pips and purrs

  5. We won't tell anyone, Princess Erin. Heck, those neko flies are hard to catch!

    We have our paws crossed for you in the Frontline UK finals!

    1. They sure are, especially when they have. broom attachment! MOL Thank you for the Best wishes, I will post how we get on. It would be great to think I could do it for my old rescue and get some publicity for them too!
      Toode pips & purrs for all cats in need

  6. It's good to know that if we visited you would bring out the cream! We don't care if you hoist the jolly roger or the Union Jack as long as there is cream!

    1. Cream sure is the International language, and nothing says hello better than a bowl of cream, no matter ho often you see someone MOL
      Toodle pips and purrs

  7. Say that iss a grate story ERin Purrincess! Yur not onlee beeuteefull butt tallented all so!
    An mee luvved thee nite class reason fur snoozing selfiess....just takin a ritin course rite?? ;)
    ~~head rubsss~~ Siddhartha Henry~~

    1. Aww Thank You Prince Siddhartha Henry, I am so pleased everyone has enjoyed this little escapade MOL Night school is so very tiring, maybe I should do a class in Cream making, at least I could savour the delights of my labour MOL
      Toodle pips and purrs

  8. You had us at Cheese Dipped Mouse!!
    The Florida Furkids

    1. I gotta admit, I was hard pushed myself, to carry on after that part of the story, MOL!
      Toodle pips and purrs

  9. I won't even mention that you couldn't catch the neko fly. My lips are sealed.

    1. Thank you, I appreciate your support on what isn't even a minor blemish to my track record, but the press might get hold of it and who knows where I'll be... invaded by mice no doubt.... ah, now that could be fun ! MOL
      Toodle pips and purrs

  10. I am totally charmed I am sure! Seriously, I LOVED this!!!

    1. Oooh glad you are charmed, we aims to please, and to have fun, though clearly the mouse catching ends to be improved MOL
      Toodle pips and purrs

  11. Oh my mouses! And it was really a toy mouse all along? MOUSES! Ummm.. Yeah, I'm thinkin' you might not want this gettin' out. purrs

    1. Yes it sure isn't the story I want in the headlines MOL
      Toodle pips and purrs

  12. Replies
    1. Thank you, I hope he would have. A sad day and a big loss to his family and our community :(
      Toodle pips and gentle purrs

  13. What a great story!
    Have a wonderful weekend...

    Noodle and crew

  14. Princess erin! Your easy selfies are most wonderful! I do believe there is room fora young \tabby to curl up with you! And Ms Hudson had your Neko Mouse!?!? I wonder if she would have an idea where my Mom has put my Neko burd that I got from Mr Spitty? I have not seen it in ever so long.

    1. Well there may be a link there between the missing bird and mouse! Have you seen Mrs Hudson, with or without broom, flying around your place? Best also check to see if your Mom has a broom too just in case said bird has nested MOL
      Toodle pips and purrs

  15. OOOH Erin you and that toy :-) It had you fooled didn't it* g *

    Maybe we need to mount an expedition to find Marv's Neko Budd??

    Marjorie and the Dash Kitten Crew

    1. Sure did but don't tell anyone! Hmm yes maybe we should all head over and give Marv a paw in tracking his down too. You grab a broom and your housekeeper and I'll bring mine!
      Toodle pips and purrs

  16. That is quite a story, Princess! All that energy to catch a mouse that wasn't a mouse at all! Still, you and Mrs. H make a great mouse-hunting team :)

    1. Tell me about it! I needed extra naps to catch up on myself. Strangely enough Mrs H says she is frightened of mice... me I love 'em! MOL
      Toodle pips

  17. Napping is good! I've taught my mum to do it as well as I believe humans need to nap more:)

    Purrs xx

    1. Yes it is a great activity to do. A plus of it is that if you nap at the same time as the humans, they should always be awake and available when you need them!
      Toodle pips and purrs

  18. ERin; we wundered if de mouz wazza "wanna bee" ...glad ta heer it iz, but then bye de same
    token; ya canna stir fry him witha side oh greenz either ~~~~~ !!! ☺☺♥♥ N if Mizzuz H ever
    getz tired oh de hole gas name........her COULD try...halibutt !!! :) ♥♥♥♥♥

    1. MOL, I will ask her about the Halibut name, though suspect as she is hard of hearing HERRing may be more suited MOL!
      Toodle pips & Purrs

  19. That's a great snoozy selfie, Erin.

    1. Thank you, night school does that to me. Apparently it does this to humans too! MOL
      Toodle pips and purrs

  20. Oh Princess, you are so-o pretty all sprawled out with your book. Hmm... I wonder if that is a pirate adventure tale you are reading there. Tee hee hee. Say that is one of those trickster mousies. I have a similar kind of mousie. He can propel forward in one big bounce and then boing and bounce backwards and then up and down and then back again. And he doesn't have any flying broom or wings. Mom thinks she heard a mouse in the wall. I sure wish you & Mrs. H could visit ORE-gon & then we could take the live mousie down together. Of course, I'm make sure you'd have the BEST accommodations if you made a royal visit. Paw kisses Tuxie dove! -Valentine (& Mom) of Noir Kitty Mews

    1. Sounds like yours and mine are of the same species! I'll have some passports drawn up straight away, diplomatic visa style, and we will visit on a mouse finding mission MOL I'll be quite happy with any fourposter bed and throne you have, and if it's in pink that would be lovely, thank you. My staff won't need much space at all, in fact can have the floor to guard over me and get breakfast MOL
      Toodle pips and purrs, sweet princely woolly bear.

  21. A proper princess requires beauty rest ... whether of the male or female persuasion. I believe we got one of those Neko toys from you at the Conference last year. We hadn't tried them before ... but it's quite popular around here. A hunt is always better with a friend. ~Bear Cat

    1. Cant beat a good nap to fortify for the rests of the day MOL Definitely do keep an eye on that Neko fly in case your housekeeper gets entangled with it! Now as to hunting buddies, Bear, do make sure you employ one that won't eat the prize before you` mol
      Toodle pips

  22. Erin those Neko Fly's are defo slippery fur sure, mew need to ambush them when they least expect it! Fab selfies though, top marks!

    Best purrs

    Basil & Co xox

    1. Thank you, night school prep work is paying dividends MOL Yes, them flies are toughies, but at least we got there in the end.... well at the end of a broom MOL
      Toodle pips & purrs

  23. Erin
    Thanks so much fur the support you gave us when Mr Buttons had to leave to the Bridge. We are sure he is carrying on as he did here being a greeter to all as he only ever met friends, never strangers. He is missed dearly and it helps so much to have friends.
    Timmy, Dad Pete and Family
    Love your mousie story and much the same happened here during a time the dreaded Vaakhum was on the fritz... or is that frack? Anyhoo glad it was solved fur all

    1. I sure do hope Timmy and all our friends will be there to show us the ropes when the time comes. Till then life fun and laughter is the name of the game.... oh and if I happen, somehow, to find a few stray mice and a bowl of cream along the way, thats a bonus MOL
      We won't have fracking here, but I definitely know that there is a TV repair shop in the village called 'On the Fritz!' I mean who would want to buy something broken?

      Toodle pips and purrs

  24. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  25. Oh Erin, your selfie's so cute. Is that your diary you're layin' on? Or is it called a journal? We have no idea. glad you found out you don't have a mouse in the house. MOL Big hugs

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

    1. Hi ladies! Yes that was my electronic diary. A princess has to keep up with the times as well as on time MOL Always good to know the mice in your house or palace that way you know if you have lost one.... or gained eight! MOL
      Toodle pips and head bumps

  26. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  27. I wonder how many things around the house our cats have mistaken for mice!?! Things that have essence of a mouse, no doubt.

    1. Essence of mouse, huh, that really sounds fun! Is it by Chanel?
      Toodle pips
