Showing posts with label humor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label humor. Show all posts

Sunday, 5 January 2025

Hello, and welcome to a another weekend selfie; the first of 2025. 

This week we have been so pleased to get back to normal after the alleged 'holiday season'. It seems so stressful for most people, and expensive.

Whilst Upper Much-Mousing doesn't go berserk like some places, Mrs Singh's International Food Emporium, the local corner shop, was doing a fine business. She is a shrewd saleslady with an eye for making life easier and cheaper for all her customers and herself. Villagers were allocated times to collect their shopping. 

This year also saw, through the miracle of online shopping – ie using the shops multi-camera roving security cameras, so customers could browse the shelves and, with the help of the village Cub scout and Brownie troops, fill a real shopping basket which they could pay for at the real shop till using a credit card.  

This year, the villagers have taken to a whole food plant based diet. Although some of the hard of hearing residents took this to mean they needed to eat an entire Christmas meal meant for a family of four themselves! Needless to say, Mrs Singh reported a spike in indigestion tablets for those folks. 

With our larder all stocked up, the sherry decanter almost full, and the cream delightfully whipped to almost clotted thickness, we settled down to watch a play from the National Theatre, in London. 

It was actually a play set In Memphis, by Katori Hall, called The Hot Wing King.

Click this link HERE, to go to the National Theatre web site. We thoroughly enjoyed the play and can recommend the service. The yearly cost of watching plays at home was under £100. 

OK, enough of our non-meat, full-fun, stop-at-home, stress-free non-holiday, lets get on with a selfie!

Not quite the morning after the night before. . . . .

We are joining the Sunday Selfies, hosted by the wonderful Kitties Blue and their mum, Janet Blue, from the Cat on My Head blog in America. Click this sentence to visit Janet Blue's site.

Small image. The Cat on My Head Sunday Selfies Blog Hop badge. Features a yellow-haired lady with a tuxedo cat on her head.


Till Laters!


Saturday, 29 January 2022


©Julian Worker/Mirador Publishing

An Adventure Book Review by Erin the Cat Princess©






Hello, and welcome to my Saturday Book Review featuring an Adventure in Fiction!


This week, for our adult, and feline loving fans everywhere, we have the UTTER DELIGHT of reviewing a book by JULIAN WORKER, called DIARY OF A BUDDHIST CAT.


Julian also writes mystery adventures as well as travel books. Born in the UK, he has travelled to nearly 100 countries across the globe. He currently lives and works in Vancouver, Canada.

This book features Freddie, a three ish year old black and white cat.

© Julian Worker / Mirador Publishing





Paperback ISBN: 978 - 1 - 914965 - 14 -2


Cover price for Paperback £11.99, KINDLE currently £2.99 


Pages 245.


Age range: Upper YA/ Adult 

Any cats? Oh yes!

Classification: Clean Humour.





No spoilers here. 



We were lucky enough to see and down load for free this book on NetGalley. We were sopleased with this story that we have purchased the paperback also. We are only too happy to share this unsponsored review with you.

The plot

Freddie is a black and white cat determined to follow the Buddhist path. It was the only book on religion his previous human had. But when that human throws Freddie at the vet rather than pay the bill, Freddie's life changes. Made well by the kindly vet, he is adopted into a new home with John and Mary, two loving, caring, and quite normal and educated humans. They had previously adopted Gemma, a feline with a grudge against humans in general, for their fascist jackboot ways. Her reason is that some humans took her kittens away from her when she most needed them for support. Now, she refuses to kowtow to their oppressive ways, despite John's and Mary's kindness.

Gemma and Freddie do not get on. The relationship is based on the severity of Gemma's sneers, ranging from 1, being 'Ignorant cat', to 6, being 'enemy of cat kind'. Needless to say, Freddie gets a lot of sneers in the 5 and 6 range.

Freddie, though, is very passive, as you would expect from a Buddhist. He seeks to find common ground and treat everyone, even Gemma, with respect and kindness, helping where he can to ease her suffering and pain.

Now, if you hadn't surmised already, I need to mention that Freddie is an educated cat who likes to read books and experience life. So much so that he goes into his garden and befriends the resident crow family, Rufus, the local squirrel. They introduce him to Holly, the hamster who's cage sits inside on the next door window ledge.

Very soon, with the help of his new pals, he is off in pursuit of educating himself in the fine arts and philosophers of the human world. But true to his beliefs, he is helping his new friends fulfil their own academic, sightseeing and high-flying goals. And how does he do this, you may ask? Answer: By entering and borrowing from the next door library, of course! The antics and chaos that ensue are hilarious and priceless. All of which is unseen by his human companions, but not so their neighbour, Penny, who tries to film it all on her phone.


So, what did we think?

From a rather unassuming cover comes what I think is a small gem. Told in first person as a series of Freddie's diary entries, this book will impart to the careful reader far more than at face value. It is a masterpiece of observation and insight into not only felines but humans too. More than this, an entertaining storyline sets this apart from far more mundane fictional works on feline and human relationships.

For me, this is what truly makes this a stand out tale and a tour de force of entertainment and insight. Actions have consequences, even more so when species mix. And here they unfold so well and funnily that it was impossible not to turn the page and laugh and giggle aloud.

A must-read for anyone seeking a more educated, tongue in cheek fun, and thought-provoking read. I'll be delving more into the author's other works (both fact and fiction), as the writing style is very appealing.

I also find that I want to know more about Freddie's adventures. Whether we get to know more or not, I don't know. But I have bought the paperback, and will re-read it periodically to remind myself of the balance of life and all such good things. And yes, we will also laugh unashamedly at what happened to Angela in the library, and to that poor, poor dog of Penny's!

****** HOT OFF THE PRESS! ******

 Julian has told me there WILL be a sequel!!! Get this one now and be ready for when the sequel arrives.

So . . . . 


Crunch time. 

We thoroughly recommend this book. And you don't have to have a cat companion or be a budding Buddhist to like this story. Nor be a philosopher or connoisseur of, ahem, 'fine art' to appreciate the insight and humour woven carefully into the pages. 

Want to buy a copy?


To get copy, please do head down your own karma filled path to enightment and spread the love at your local independent bookshop.


JULIAN WORKER's web page can be found HERE.


MIRADOR Publishing's web page can be found HERE.


If any authors, publishers wish us to review their books, please do get in touch. Details are listed on our book review page.








 Till later!



Saturday, 9 October 2021

Max The Detective Cat

By Sarah Todd Taylor

Reviews brought to you by Erin the Cat – Mystery and Adventures in Middle Grade reading. 

Addicted to Murder Mystery and Mice... Not necessarily in that order!

Hello and welcome back to the blog for my Saturday book review. But first a brief update.

After a week or so of stress and strain, rain wind and scorching heat – caused mainly by a leaking lavatory roof, then over active central heating system, Mrs H finally had time to get her flu jab. What a relief it is. Though with some tiring side effects and a mild cold, she hasn't been able to do much around the palace. I did however manage to get her some light relief in the form of plough the fourteen acre field up the road, using horse power rather than diesel. "We all have to do our bit for the environment!" I said, pushing her out the door with her packed lunch thermos and a scarf.

Anyways, I am sure after that she'll be as right as rain, and up to making my supper on her return!

Till then, it gives me great personal pleasure to introduce a firm favourite here at the Palace – Max the Detective Cat. 


This week we review:-

Max the Detective Cat. Books 1, 2 and 3. By Sarah Todd Taylor. Illustrated by Nicola Kinnear

These three books are published by 'Nosy Crow', an Independent Publisher. A link to the books on their website can be found HERE.


Book 1. The Disappearing Diva




Max is a much pampered, and some may say, pompous fluffy white cat who has spent his days in the lap of luxury. Sat on velvet cushions, he enjoyed the very best salmon souffle off silver dishes. He was pampered at least six times a day by his beloved Countess Arlington. Sounds just my sort of life!

Things really couldn't be nicer for a London cat in the company of the highest of high society. Oh, but they could be worse, far, far worse, as he soon finds out.


After a mishap with a spider and a potted plant, large amounts of dirty pawprints around the townhouse, he ended up in the kitchens. There he discovered some mice and caused such chaos he ended up covered in cooking fat. After that, Max finds he's no longer in favour. In fact, much to his confusion, he's no longer in the house at all. Suddenly he is in a cat basket and destined to be dumped in the river!


Unhappy with the strange and smelly surroundings, Max busts out of his basket and heads off into the night. Of course, Max isn't at all what you'd call streetwise. And London is not a hospitable place. It is also smelly to the extreme if you are a cat that was used to pot-puri! Hungry and scared of the street-cats the maids said would make mincemeat out of him, Max takes refuge under a bridge.


He hears a voice from the gloom, which turns out not to be trouble but Oscar, a one-eyed and ragged eared black cat. But he is kind and generous to Max, who is clearly not from that part of town.


Now, Max thinks he's seen lots from his cossetted life and window-side view. But Oscar shows him otherwise by taking him on a trip across London's rooftops. The two soon end up sitting beside the glass dome roof of the Theatre Royal. It is home, Oscar says, of the finest ballet, music, and acting in the world.


Now, it is at this point that the adventure really starts. Max ends up in the theatre itself and, after some first-class mousing, gets accepted and —


Of course, if I told you much more, where would the fun be, right? Suffice to say, this story is really engaging and fun. There is a lovely array of characters that will grow on us in the following two books.


There is a mystery to unfold involving stolen gems, a lumpy and seemingly dreadful actress and soporano named Madamme Emerald, and a rescue in a seedy part of London. Follow the clues or just enjoy the ride as Max and Oscar set out to save the day. 


Unlike my stories, Max and Oscar cannot converse with humans. This makes for some fun bits of meowing dialogue and breathtaking action from our two protagonists. 

Book 2. The Phantom Portrait.




Max, Oscar and the cast and crew of the theatre decamp from London to Sussex and Lord Fawley's castle to give a special, one-off performance in celebration of his daughters birthday. Along the way their car swerves, and both Max and Oscar get thrown out the window and get left behind. They have to trail through a scary night haunted by owls and other worrying sounds (like the shrill squeak of mice, all of which scare Max!) until they eventually find the castle, and safety.


It should be a fun outing, and everyone is looking forwards to not only their own show but the other entertainment that includes a masked ball. BUT Max soon senses there is something amiss in the castle when he hears footsteps beside him but there is nobody there. It seems there is a ghost in residence and a haunted portrait, some long lost diamond tiara, and a prophecy of doom should the castles old and locked up theatre is reopened – the very same theatre the cast and crew will perform in!


Not long after some ghostly terrifying experiences, a last minute guest arrives in the form of Antonio, a 'physical researcher' ghost catcher. Too much of a timely coincidence?


Max thinks not and gets embroiled in a perilous, and to quote the book, "HAIR RAISING" ghoulish mystery to enthral us all. 



Book 3. The Catnap Caper.




Max and Oscar head to Paris to visit Madam Emerald, the renown . With them go Agnes and Sylvia (two of the Theatre Royals talented chorus). They are all accompanied by Monsieur Lavroche (the Royals manager) and Mrs Garland (the costumier). Madame Emerald happens to be one of the judges in the most prestigious singing competition in Europe – The Voice of Paris – which is down to the last 4 competitors. 


The thing is, whilst the famous of France mingle socially at that event, their precious jewels are being stolen by a particularly clever thief! Worse still, the much loved feline companions of these well to do are being napped whilst they nap! Add the fact that the competition is brewing some serious rivalry, and you have set the scene for this adventure.

When Max hears of the catnapping, he knows from the tingle in his fluffy tail that there is more to this than meets the eye. And that this is a case HE needs to solve. Working against the clock, Max's investigation will take high into the sky, and across the rooftops of Paris in pursuit of clues and the kidnapped felines.


As the third and currently last in the Max series, this is not to be missed! 



OK, so what did we think?


There are currently three adventures featuring Max. And Mrs H and I loved them all. Whilst the books are aimed at the 7-9 age group, they provide a refreshing, fun, quick read for adults and feline lovers everywhere. They are also beautifully illustrated. All credit to Nicola Kinnear for such fun images throughout the books which capture the essence of the writing superbly!


I loved the way Max, the youger cat, and Oscar the worldwise senior cat, build such a strong relationship, and how, in the thick of an adventure, they still have to get the message across to the humans. Dealing with humans when you are one is bad enough, but when you're a cat it is a minefield! 


Sarah Todd-Taylor really has given us a miniature feast of entertainment featuring some great characters and locations with a lovely period feel to Max's world. Top Marks, and we can but hope for another adventure.



Should you buy this series?


If I have whetted your appetite, then ABSOLUTELY. The books are easy to read, and a fine present for any young reader moving up the ladder.

If you do chose to by a copy or all three, then please do chose to buy from your local indepenent book shop where you can.

OK, so that is it from us this week. We'll be back in a week or so time with another great book. Until then, stay safe, and most of all, enjoy yourself immersed in a good book!


Toodle pips
