Sunday, 21 January 2018

Bubble, Toil and Trouble!

It's Sunday Selfie time.... 

We are joining The Kitties Blue, from The Cat on My Head blog, for the weekly celebration of blogs and bloggers from across the world and across the species.

Download the link link from their site and join the fun!

This weeks selfie is of yours truly just settling in to take the selfies when....... 

I heard the church bells sound.......

Which as we around this parish all know,  means it's Niptini™ o'clock!

Sorry folks, have to dash and answer the call. It's my duty. MOL

To see what all our pals have been up to, click the links below.

............... and now it's Sunday Story Time!

This weeks story is.............. Bubble, Toil and Trouble!

Erin is on the telephone in the study, discussing the housekeepers references.

"Hmm, I see. Prone to flying off you say, and flights of fancy but otherwise as fit as a fiddle, albeit a seventy year old fiddle.

What about cooking, I mean she isn't into home brewing is she? What sort? Well of the spirit kind or any other kind really. Tea total, you say, well that is good to know. One more question if I may, and this is a bit more delicate. To your knowledge has Mrs Hudson done porridge, or stir. You mentioned she'd done time at 'Her Majesty's pleasure'.

Oh I see, she worked at The Victoria pub, and NOT prison. And you're not sure about porridge or stir fry but she makes one mean bubble and squeak!" Erin's jaw dropped the last comment, and then snapped shut. "Right. Well. Seems like there isn't too much to worry about then, and much as I thought. I see you gave her a glowing report, but didn't say why she left? Personal reasons, huh. Well along as it wasn't anything sinister or tax related. Thank you very much Mr Rathbone, I appreciate your candour."

Erin replaced the receiver. She paced back and forth and then jumped up and pulled on the sash that rang the bell in the kitchens for afternoon tea. Moments later, and brushing cobwebs from her hair, Mrs Hudson entered the room. A curl of grey hair dropped over one eye and she gave a squeal and then, realising what it was, blushed and tucked it behind one ear.

"Erin dearie, you rang? Was it a nice cup of tea or or maybe something a bit more substantial? I can rustle up some bubble and squeak if you want, but it may actually be more bubble than squeak on account of there not being much if any squeak in the pantry."

"Mrs Hudson, thank you for coming so quickly. I must say you are far more responsive than the previous incumbent even though you are twice the age. Now what I wanted to say was, I have just had a chat with Mr Rathbone, your previous employer, and am pleased to say that I can offer you the position of Housekeeper. I do like to make sure that every new member of staff has a full vetting, though rest assured the thermometer up the...... " Erin blushed and looked coyly at Mrs Hudson. "Well we are both women of the world, so lets just say that is reserved for me and for dire emergencies and my consultants tender and warm hands!"

"Erin dearie, I am sure I don't know what you mean. But if you need a thermometer up your nose then I will give it a go. I have dealt with many a baby and can safely say none came to any harm in later life once they extracted the thermometer. It just takes a little practice that's all. Now if you want to lay down with you head up I an get started right away."

"Eeek! Er, no worries Mrs Hudson, I think the less practice on this one the better. I mean I think best leave it until it's needed, after all you can over egg a pudding! Oh my is that the time, right what we need is to show you around the palace. A guided tour as it were. Now if you'll follow me we'll get started."

Erin scurried out the room, and made a mental note to have all the thermometers removed from the first-aid cabinets, and also those in the kitchens too!

Some time later..........

"So there you have it, the Palace in all its magnificence. You get a lovely view of the estate and villages from up here on the parapets. If you look down you can see the tiny delivery people, just like mice. Eighty-one rooms spread across nine floors. I think there may be more that we haven't found as I keep losing mice and never can find them.

Great place to clean the windows from too. Just tie a rope around your waist and abseil down the sides. I had great fun with the old cleaner by using elastic rope. Only problem was keeping the water in the bucket..... and actually stopping. But I think with your skills and a careful flight plan you could fly around this in no time.

Anyways, I think thats enough info to be going on with, don't you, Mrs Hudson?

Mrs Hudson?"

Erin turned to find she was alone. "Mrs Hudson, are you there?"

A muffled groan came from the stairwell behind her. Looking through the stone balustrade, she saw a red faced Mrs Hudson sat fanning her self on the landing three floors below. "Are you OK Mrs Hudson?"

"Don't worry dearie, you lost me after the second floor bathrooms. I'll be up in a moment. Have you thought about a stair-lift? Would make things loads easier. Or maybe you could just downsize? I saw a lovely thatched cottage in the village, advertised in the local newspaper. The particulars said it had a small cellar, nice big open fire, and only two upper floors and 6 rooms. Plus it had a stair-lift. Now they are very good for tired feet, like mine, and save you wearing down those delicate toes of yours, too."

Erin trotted on down and sat beside her. "You know, Mrs Hudson, you may just have hit on something there. Not down sizing though. Heck, a Princess needs a palace. And a cottage whilst nice and rustic doesn't have the gravitas. And besides a cottage doesn't have a moat for the Kraken. She just loves ours and all the post she gets from around the world. Granted most of it isn't actually for her, but she appreciates all the birthday cards and does reseal them and send them on with a personal gift and thank you note. No I think a stair lift will be just the thing. There are loads on MeowBay and if we, meaning you, can link them all up we could get them to run up here. That way you could dust even quicker whilst you travelled. And saves you doing any precarious balancing with that broom."

"Now that does sound fun, Erin, and so thoughtful of you too. Hows about I see if I can find some extra squeak for your supper, my dear? Bound to be some fresh in the garden?"

Erin's eyes widened as an image of Mrs Hudson mouse hunting around the palace kitchen gardens, flashed before her eyes. There were some things, she thought, that even an a septuagenarian shouldn't be doing. And what, she wondered would comprise the bubble part of the meal!?

"You know, Mrs Hudson, I think I will just settle for something nice and plain and boring for supper. Save you running around and getting all het up chasing down ingredients. A boiled nip leaf and potato fry up sounds just the thing....."

The End


  1. Good help is hard to find these days Princess and I do love your selfies!

    1. Yes, tell me about it. I shall have to break this new housekeeper in first then decide.....
      Toodle pips and purrs

  2. Nice selfie, but when you ran away I thought it was more for lunch or dinner then for answering the phone ! My lazy cats lets it ring even if Arthur is sleeping on it !!

    1. Thats cats for you, always unpredictable and ever helpful MOL
      Toodle pips

  3. With such a big castle, I think you are going to need more than one housekeeper or perhaps maybe a younger one :) XO

    1. Hmm you may be right, on both counts! But I can only afford two if they pay each other.... do you think that will work?

  4. Yup, us cats have to get the priorities right , I mean there might be another for a few hours, MOL
    Toodle pips

  5. Dearest, I luv your idea of linking stairlifts together. You always think... how do humans say it... "out of the box." Don't ever give up your palace, 'cause that is part of you. Is that Mom Kraken that is in your moat or Kalvin? Tee hee hee. Hmm... I think you're right to keep to the plain foods until you get to know more about Mrs. Hudson. Bubble and squeak? Who does the squeaking - is the question?! Embraces my lil' York min patty! -Valentine (& Mom) of Noir Kitty Mews

    1. Dearest Valentine, you seem to have a paw on the problem, for sure. Maybe I could do with your house keeper to show mine the way to make squeak and bubble bubble and squeak MOL
      Embraces my woolly bear... Erin
      PS Not sure on the heritage of the Kraken. Maybe I will get her to do a spot of DNA research to find out. If you have any meter readers that are willing to do an oral swab, I'd be happy to hear from them, MOL
      Toodle pips and paw kisses

  6. Erin, we love that you have your priorities straight. Nipini O'clock takes precedence always!

    1. Yup, I have standards and tradition to uphold, and when its time for a niptini I have to go!
      doodle pips

  7. Nip leaf and potato fry sounds tasty... Beautiful selfie ! Purrs

    1. You see, I told Mrs Hudson it was the thing to have... but would she listen? No it had to be squeak and bubble. In fact there was a fair bit of burn too, which might not have been in the original recipe MOL
      Toodle pips

  8. You look extra lovely against the hot pink covers, Erin :)

    We do wonder what will bubble . . .hopefully something appealing and tasty ;p

    the critters in the cottage xo

    1. Hi, thank you, hot pink is my colour for sure, and also highlights any mouse guests that come along! Hmm well as long as the bubble isn't including frogs legs and newts I'll be happy MOL
      Toodle pips and purrs

  9. That was a very nice selfie, but I can understand you rushing off so as not to miss Niptini o'clock. I think you need to look more carefully into the ingredients that Mrs Hudson uses.

    1. I think I will, maybe even go shopping with her to make sure MOL
      Niptini o' clock is the thing, for sure. I just can't wait for the sun and weather to get better. Till then I will have to stick with the sunlamp MOL
      Toodle pips and purrs

  10. Nipini O' come we don't celebrate that at our house??? --Mudpie

    1. It's a tradition I was proud to introduce into these parts. Plus its good to raise a glass and toast good things and hasten the arrival of spring.
      Toodle pips

  11. Ummm.. You think I could teleport on over and join you for supper? Boiled nip leaf... YUM.


    1. Of course, you are always most welcome. If you have a spare chippy or two we could have a little appetiser or post meal game of chase the chippy!
      Toodle pips

  12. Your Bubble and Squeak is a wee bit different than ours. I would prefer the squeak to be a mouse instead of brussel sprouts The Bubble is potato so you had Bubbl and Nip for supper. mol


    PS I loved your story as I could just see Kali trying to walk the stairs....she'd love a lift here.

    1. Yes I oversaw that myself, just in case any green frogs legs or newts got in there by mistake ! A simple nip supper and a nip brandy is the best way to end the day MOL
      Glad you liked this weeks diary entry, and do think a stairlift for cats is a modern day essential for the busy house cat... means we can spend more time doing the important things like napping MOL
      Toodle pips & purrs

  13. Replies
    1. Oooh I say, that sounds way more fun than mine. Mind you I'd never get any work done, between naps, if it was 24/7 MOL
      Toodle pips

  14. I love the story, and the selfies. We need to do more action shots!

    Enjoy your Niptinis!!

    1. Yes they are just the thing, maybe a mini action movie, too!
      Toodle pips & purrs

  15. Lovely selfie!

    Niptini sounds great :)

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

    1. Totally non alcoholic too. Us cats have some of the best stuff, for sure. MOL
      Toodle pips & purrs

  16. ERin; for sure & inn deed if she will due de mouz huntin for ewe N stir fry em long witha nice side oh greenz, her iz hired, witch ore noe witch !!! ♥♥♥☺☺☺

    1. I agree. Cant discriminate if someone is qualified they're qualified. She is game though and I suspect will be worth her weight around the place.... especially if she can maybe do some alchemy for me.... and make mice from sprouts and cream from water. MOL
      Toodle pips and purrs

  17. We don't blame you for making a mad dash for the niptini, Erin!

    1. Sounds like you have Niptini o’clock too Mol. Maybe we should start a club and newsletter?
      Toodle pips and purrs

  18. Erin! Darling! I LOVE your selfies! Purrticularly the last one as you rush off for Niptini o"clock.
    And I am so furry happy that your new servant is working out...(or are they?)
    Say Hi! To the Kraken for me!

    1. Prince Marv! Great to see you. Yes I am oft caught as a blur on the security footage. Not because I’m always running after Niptinis... sometimes it’s mice too, Mol
      Kraken says hi, too, and hopes you will come by for a chat some time. In the meantime, if you can send more mail, she’ll get to have another mailman around for lunch.... that won’t be ending well for one party. Mol
      Toodle pips and purrs

  19. But have you give Ms. Hudson the ultimate test?!? It's very rare that a person remains composed in the presence of random mouse parts - and if she meets them with equanimity ... there's little you can throw at her that she couldn't handle!

    1. It’s a good thought, but i’d Hate to think what she might turn my random mouse parts into! Left over mouse broth really doesn’t work for me.... reheated food is yuck! Mol
      Toodle pips and purrs

  20. You rang, Purrincess...MOL :D Your Selfies are overcute, the sound of the church bell really got you in action...MOL :D Pawkisses for a Happy Day :) <3

    1. It is nice to have someone respectful when they come to bring supper etc. Oh yes, you don't have to tell this princess twice when it's Niptini time MOL
      Toodle pips & Nip Infused Purrs

  21. Oh Erin, your selfies are sooooo adorable. You be lookin' bootyful as always. We luv the blurred finale'. As fur the new housekeeper, she sounds like just right fit. Altho' we definitely need to study up on foods and names and ingredients across the pond. We have no idea what a bubble and squeak is nor a potato fry up. Kittens!!! We sure are sheltered. MOL Big hugs

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

    1. Thank you both, the blurred selfies often how I’m seen, Mol Bubble and squeak is a great dish to have on a cold day. True comfort food. Basically for humans it’s leftover potatoes and cabbage or greens or sprouts mixed/mashed together then fried. Very yummy! Of course I prefer the more cultured catnip leaf variety, with a tasty nip mint sauce! Mol
      Toodle pips and purrs and head bumps

    2. MeOW It's a real dish then. That's really innerestin'. We think we'll stick with the nip like you. big hugs

      Luv ya'

      Dezi and Raena

  22. Fantastic selfies Erin, mew're looking as majestic as effur! Oooooohhhh *sharp intake of breath* are mew sure about Mrs Hudson, sounds a wee bit fishie, more of an impostor impersonating an Octo-septo-generian who's really a top cat burglar looking fur an easy score... be careful your majesty we'd hate to hear mew'd been burgled! How about I send Smooch and Parsley to install some state of the art CCTV around the palace just to be on the safe side?

    Big hugs

    Basil & Co xox

    1. Hi Basil, glad the PA is on the mend, that is one icky flu bug she's had! Yup, I sure could do with some more surveillance kit.... as long as I can get TV on them too! MOL
      Toodle pips & purrs
      PS. don't suppose you guys have some military ejector seats, or jet packs Mrs Hudson can borrow to clean the outside windows?
